User Manual
WARNING: Only use the dosage of salt contained in thr measuring cup. Empty and rinse the product after each refill and at the end of each ironing session. Always foloww the indicated dosage levels of water and salt.
ATTENTION: Never plug the appliance into the socket while it is without its habdle, and assure that the voltage is the same as indicated(220-240v 50Hz 850W – 110-120V 60hz 450W). The device must not be connected to a DC power supply.
FIRST USE: The first time that the device is used, test out the steam jet for a few minutes(following instructions) and them empty and rinse the tank 1-2 times, before using on fabrics.(The first time that the tank is emptied, the water may appear cloudy).
How to Use
1. Disconnect the plug fom the socket. Swing the handie to open and taket it of.

Fill the dispenser with table salt and pour the contes in to the tank. 1 doser for voltage 230V | 2 dosser for voltage 115V.
Fill the measuring cup supplied up to the indicated level with demineralized water, if not , use drinking water. Pour the contents of 1 water dispensser in the tank.

Put the handle into its housing and insert the plug on the socket.
Wait a few seconds in this position for it to start steaming.

Automatic shut-off
When it’s in a vertical position with the tip facing upwards, it’s turned on, just like when it’s in a horizontal position, similar to traditional irons. In the sideways position, as shown in the second image, it automatically turns off.

In case you need to refill
In case you need to refill because there’s not much steam left. Disconnect the steamit electical plug, turn the handle to the side, and open it.
Add another measure of water, put the handle into its housing and insert the plug on the socket. Att: you don’t need to add more salt unless you rinse it before adding the water. If you do rinse it, start the process again from the beginning.
After Use
1-Take the plug off.
2- Make sure the appliance to cool down.
3- Swing the handle to open and take it off.
4- Turn up side down to eliminate the remaining water and rinse with clean water.
Wrong positing, it can loose water and can be damaged.

Important Safety Instructions
1. Carefully read all intructions.
2. Use this device according to its intended use. This device has not been intended for industrial use. Keep away from heat, direct sunlight, humidity, never place in water. Never use whith damp hands. If humidity or water come into contacxct with the device, inmidiately unplug the cord, never use the wet parts.
3. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do no act on the device while plugged into the electrical socket.
4. Never pull on the power cord to remove it from the socket; always pull from the plug to remuve.
5. Never leave the device Switched on unattended.
6. Avoid that the cord comes into conctac with hot sufaces. Always allow the device to cool completely before putting it away. Wrap the power cord around the devic when stored.
7. Always disconnect the device from power supply while filling or emptying the tank.
8. Never leave the device connected to the electrical socket if the water tank is emty.
9. Do not switch on the device if: a,the power cord is damage. b. the appliance has fallen and maybe damage. Incase of damages, do not disassemble or try to repair the device; bring it to a specoañozed amd qualified center to verify damage and any eventuals repairs.
10. The childresn are forbidden from using the device. Adult use only.
12. Be careful not to flip over the device while refilling, because it may still contain residual boiling water.
13. We recommend users to regularly wash the tank, according to the instructions, so as to avoid the creatin of salt deposits that may alter the concentration od the watery solution. leading to the malfuntion of the device. Pay Careful attention to the dosage/ quantity of salt indicated to Guarantee proper Operation.
220-240V 50 Hz 850W – Average input detected at 230V line voltage, 1 measuring cup of demineralized water and 1 measuring cup of table salt( 6g)* , at an ambient temperature of 22ºC and 45% humdity
110-120V 60Hz 450W – Average input detected at 115V line voltage, 1 measuring cup of demineralized water and 2 measuring cup of table salt(1.2g) *, at an ambient temperature of 22ºC and 45% humdity
*you don’t need to add more salt unless you rinse it before adding the water. If you do rinse it, start the process again from the beginning.